Here at Copy Ninjas, we deliver exclusive writing and designing solutions that will surely exceed expectations. If you are not satisfied with your current plan and would like to accomplish more, check out our other offers . However, if you would like to hit the brakes for a while, that’s ok, too.

To cancel or edit your subscriptions, log in to your portal account. From there, click on Subscription located at the lower left-hand side of the screen. You will then see your list of services or subscriptions. Click the 3 dots under the ACTIONS tab to see the additional options. And on the drop-down, click the Cancel Subscription then click Update once you are done. Within 24 hours, you will receive an email confirmation from our customer service team about the account changes.



To check the status of your account, head on to the Subscription tab once again where you will see that the current status in your billing history will be changed from Active to Paused / Cancelled.