Top 10 Reasons to Outsource Your Blog Writing to the Pros (…and One Smart, Cost-Effective Solution)

A steady flow of relevant online content for a website or for social media is a must-have to boost your digital marketing efforts. Regularly posting fresh, top-quality content will help build your reputation, increase engagements, and establish your authority in Google’s eyes and from your audience’s viewpoint. Turning your website into an authority site will foster customer loyalty and encourage potential customers to trust your brand. 

But writing engaging and relevant content consistently can eat up your time and take you away from the tasks you really need to focus on – ones that will bring in revenue. By happy chance, you’ve found the simple solution right here: outsourcing. Why outsource your blog content creation? How can an agency like Copy Ninjas slay your content writing goals? 


Why you should outsource blog content writing 

Promoting your brand online and increasing search engine visibility is critical in today’s highly competitive environment. One cost-effective way to do both at the same time is by regularly posting blogs with the right keywords in the right places. Doing this will also validate your expertise and help drive 55% more website visitors


Now you can have fresh content without squeezing your brain dry. By tapping professional writers to steadily produce high-quality content, you will gain these benefits:

  1. Control expenses – No need to hire and train a new employee. No worries about payroll-related expenses. Pay only for the content you need.
  2. Flexibility – Sometimes you’ll need more than just blog posts. A reliable writer on-demand has an array of skills to meet your ever-changing needs. 
  3. Scalability – As your business grows and demand for quality content increases, your contractor can scale their output accordingly.
  4. Access to SMEs – Work with a writer who is a subject matter expert in your niche and can produce a wide range of content. 
  5. Fast turnaround – Depending on the complexity and length of the blog, get your finished piece in just a day or two. 
  6. You focus on what matters most – Simply provide the direction and your content writer will get to work – then you’re free to focus on the things that will move the needle in your business. 
  7. On-demand – A skilled writer is always at your fingertips to get your project done when you need it. 
  8. Professionals know how to write for conversion and visibility – You get not just a writer but a content writing master who knows what works and what doesn’t, how to write for SEO, conversion, and engagements. That’s worth the price of admission all by itself. 
  9. You don’t have to be a writer – Don’t stress if the art of blog writing is not your strength. You’re gifted in running and building your business – leave the writing to a professional. 
  10. Lots of candidates – There are a jillion places to look for a top-notch copywriter and it can be daunting. Find a source that has taken the guesswork out by doing all the vetting and screening, like Copy Ninjas


BONUS BENEFIT: Go beyond blogs – When you click with your copywriter, you’ll be able to expand beyond blogs to things like email sequences, scripts, social media posts, lead magnets, and more. 


How to win at outsourcing your blog content

You’ve reached this point but still you’re thinking, “Should I really work with a content writing agency or just find a freelance writer on my own?” Well, it depends on what you’re trying to achieve. 

If you’re on a tight budget and only need someone for a one-time project, a freelance writer could be just what you’re looking for. It comes with risks though, like a writer magically disappearing in the middle of the project or turning in poorly written or plagiarized content – what a real mess to clean up! 

But if you are looking for long-term collaboration, signing up with an affordable agency is a better choice. Here at Copy Ninjas, we help you scale your business and put your content marketing on autopilot. For an affordable flat rate, you will have your own project manager and unlimited access to our pool of professional copywriters. 


Working with Copy Ninjas is as simple as 1-2-3: 

  1. Submit a content project request by filling out the project brief.
  2. Your project manager will pair you with the most suitable writer who matches your request. 
  3. Your writer will get to work. Using your dedicated client portal, you can request revisions or give further instructions to your writer.


You can choose from one of our subscription plans and upgrade or downgrade anytime, depending on your needs.

How to create an effective blog post brief 

The success of blog content writing lies in how detailed the given instructions are. While content briefs may vary from one project to another, certain aspects remain the same. Here’s a checklist to guide you in creating an effective content brief for your matched-up writer under Copy Ninjas. 

  • Pick the exact type of blog article you need (listicle, how-to, checklists, guest blogs, affiliate post, etc.).
  • Create a set of brand guidelines for the writer to follow and use your preferred style and brand voice.
  • Briefly describe your business and your purpose for the blog post.
  • Identify the target word count and audience.
  • Provide a specific topic and a brief outline of what it should be about.
  • Discuss whether you want to include statistics and references from scholarly articles.
  • Include the tone and choice of words for the blog post .
  • Explain your desired formatting rules for the texts, tables, and images.
  • Point out the minimum number of internal and external links to add in the post.
  • For SEO purposes, you may include the placement guidelines for the primary keyword and the secondary keywords.
  • You may also include competitor links and links to resources where the writer can find content ideas.

Tap into the power of the pros – outsource today 

Writing engaging content for effective blogs is not as easy as it seems. To help your brand stand out among the competition, you need to consistently provide your audience with content that is valuable and shareable. 

Take the burden off your shoulders by outsourcing your blog articles to the pros. Let the experts produce content that will help drive your business forward while you focus on the things that need your attention the most. 

Don’t let another day go by – take your blogs to the next level with Copy Ninjas. Schedule your free demo call and get ready to transform how you think about content. 

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